
#257: Mandrake and the Bandits of Magna

 It's originally posted at Mandrake The Magician
Thanks everyone for voting!!!

Since the voting is almost done, the most voted Indrajal comic (for the first time in this blog -Mandrake The Magician) is presented here. Unfortunately, the scans are not of a high quality and if someone has this physical copy a better version of the scans can be made available at a later time. If anybody finds better quality scans please email me.

Also, am going to present another poll for voting the most liked daily strip in a couple of days.

For those of you, wishing for a colored scan on this blog, here it is.

Download Comic Here

John Drake - The Victim at Darehouse (#423)

जॉन ड्रेक - बोलती लाशें
(The Victim at Darehouse का हिंदी रूपांतरण)

Published in 1982 , numbered as 423
प्रसिद्ध चिकित्सक डाक्टर फेयर फेक्स एक दिन अचानक गायब हो गए। ये एक मामूली अपहरण कि घटना थी या किसी बड़ी साजिश की शुरुआत ...
(सॉरी, कल लिंक डालना भूल गया था)

p.s New link of this version is given here:
 1-443 (Re-post of all available Hindi Indrajal)