
1 Hindi ( #232) & 3 English (#160, 168 & V21N31) Indrajal Comics

A version of these two English Phantom IJC are already posted in this blog. These are new & original  Indrajal scans  contributions by Anonymous.
160-1972-Phantom-The Skull Cave This one is new & better version.

168-1972-Phantom-Where is Diana (Full) This is a complete (all pages) version.

A rare IJC in Hindi.

In fact these all are rare, but this one is very special for me. I never read this one before. After a long search, few days ago found in Hindi only. Many many thanks to Anurag Dixit.

This Indrajal Comics is already available online. It's for those friends who missed this better version scanned by AJNAABI. In May 2008, I posted many Ajnaabi's scans. Few days ago he pointed me, I missed it.

All thanks & credits go all three contributors:
Anonymous, Anurag Dixit & Ajnaabi.

233 - The Golden Woods; 283 - The Crime Wave in Mawitaan And Some Covers

233-1975-Phantom-The Golden Woods It was reprinted as V24N20-1987-Phantom-The Vicious Intruders.

Both are Ajay's contributions, english header of # 283 made by Ajnaabi and I cleaned these scans with help of Photo shop. Hope you will like.

Few more coming Indrajal Comics:

* Anurag's scans

* Ajay's scans

Some Old Bengali Indrajals & Other Missing COVERS! ...

Hello friends!First of all,thanks for visiting this Blog-space regularly even though irregular posting from my side ;-) and as a result 40,000 Limits has been crossed just few days back!What I can say??Thanks for your visit....keep coming friends!! :D

Now,as the post-title suggests,here I'm posting some rare vintage Indrajal covers in Bengali Version - IN 'celebration' of my F380 scanner,which backs in life just yesterday(after the last year!!),wid much better shape! :-
Few months back,I got some oldies from Ijc #26 to #69 in a single binder @5 bucks each! I tried to scan all covers in it,but what I've realised is while front & back Ijcs are still ok (for scanning) the in-between comics r bit vulnerable as there's a chance of tearing if I press the binder,hence I reject that idea! :( But hey,I've many single copies too,so cheers!!Will post more in some later posts! And even though I've many Ijcs oldies in English,no need to scan those as already available on-line,ain't??
NOTE:Ijc #26 is #4 in Bengali as Ijc #23(Scarlet Sorceress) was the first Bengali Indrajal ever published!:-) Since then as many as 780 copies were published in Bengali & got a tremendous success which is still continuing as here in Kolkata,Bengali Ijcs,specially the oldies,are selling like hot-cakes!:-

NOW ,FOR MORE FUN,ENJOY THESE Ijc-Covers(Bengali & English) :most of these are yet-to-appear on-line,specially the Bahadurs!:-) More COMICS,incld. DC-Mandrake/Archie's Magazine/Timpa and many more are coming soon.....

131-The Deadly Trap

 Image and video hosting by TinyPic

This comic is scanned by our team member Ajay Misra & was first shared through TSCT. Keeping same date for visitors who already downloaded - to avoid confusion. Keep visiting!

210 - The Shark Island & 225 - Rajkumari

Contributor had just added the missing pages in the version already available online (this blog).

210-1974-Phantom-The Shark Island (NEW)

It's an Anonymous contribution.


It's an Ajay's contribution.

Many many thanks to both friends.

Hindi & English .Indrajal Comics #381 & #424 & Some English Covers

26 January 2010: It's my own post - imported from Books & Comics for your convenience. Kept date as original post.  Please don't confuse!
Dear Parth,
A prayer: to bless your way!
A wish : to lighten your moments!
A cheer: to perfect your day!
A text: to say HAPPY BIRTH DAY!

Contributor Anurag’s son Parth Dixit, going to be 10years on 20th November, student of class Vth in D.P.S. Raipur, Chhattisgarh state, India.
He has been playing tennis for last 3 years. At present state No.2 in under 14 age group and is representing Chhattisgarh state in Nationals and All India ranking tournaments.
Interested in paintings, sketching, modern technology and old songs of Kishore kumar and Mohd. Rafi.
Loves Indrajal Comics & Asterix.
Today is special day for this blog. Last year on 18th November, Sunday this blog was started. In this period there were many up & downs in my life, but always tried to be regular in postings. Hope your love & good wishes will permit me to continue with same enthusiasm. Many Indrajal are already planned to post, so journey continues. Thank you very much all contributors & visitors.

381-1981-Phantom-The Demons of Koqania
381-1981-Phantom-Beehad ki Raj Kumari

424-1982-Flash-The Robot Invaders
424-1982-Flash-Yantra Manavon Ka Hamla

Password all files:

#381 (English) is contributed by Ajay & rest others by Anurag.

Few more coming attractions:
* By Anonymous

* By Ajay