
संख्या २६ खंड ९ - मशीनी मानव का हमला (१९८९)

पेश है एक और हिंदी High resolution में...

संख्या २
६ खंड ९  - मशीनी मानव का हमला 
तिथि: २६ फरवरी - ४ मार्च (१९८९) 
नायक: फ़्लैश गॉर्डन 
लेखक: डान बेरी
डान बेरी?

यह शायद Sunday Strips: S-170 Dimension of the Living Machines (5/10/87 to 10/25/87)  है|

Scanned & Edited by: PBC

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Indrajal Comics [Hindi]- Issue V26N16 Sau Deepon me Vidroh [Dara]


Back with one more missing Hindi Indrajal Comics today. Titled Sau Deepon me Vidroh this comics stars Dara, Indrajal's own original character. The comics was published as Volume 26 Isue 16 in year 1989.
I've scanned it from the physical copy i own which was in quite decent condition and the comics has been again edited by Prabhat bhai. Since we both love comics editing to be in vintage look, Prabhat bhai has simply cropped it and cleaned it a little bit so you'll get the feeling of reading an original old comics.

I hope you all will like it.

Title- Indrajal Comics [Hindi] V26N16 Sau Deepon Me Vidroh
Character- Dara
Hard copy, scan and Upload- akfunworld
Editing- PBC

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Indrajal Comics [Hindi]- Issue 79 Yantra Manvon Ka Mrityu chakra [Flash gordon]

First of all 'Happy Vijaya Dashami' to you all blog readers.

So PBC bro is going to be absent from blogging here for few more days and as per his instructions I am trying to post some more Hindi missing Indrajal comics here so that when he comes back he'll find the blog as active as it was when he went on his holidays ;) [Although I am not sure I'll be able to match his enthusiasm for comics].
Before I move further let me also inform you what I've planned regarding IJC scanning from my side. As you might already know that now there are less than 100 Hindi IJCs to be scanned and preserved online and by the grace of god I've got few of them in my collection. So first I've planned to scan and upload those missing ones and then I'll also start scanning and posting those Hindi IJCs which were in Low resolution in High resolution so that you can upgrade your collection. I am also happy to see some more contributors coming forward for helping us in preserving these gems as Prabhat bhai has informed me that many people have sent him some more IJCs which will be shared here and many more are in pipeline from lesser known contributors.
Although It won't be possible in a short span of time, but I hope with the help of my other fellow bloggers and off-course PBC Bhai [Who'll be editing most of my scans, I hope :p] we'll be able to preserve all missing Hindi IJCs very soon and also upgrade the low quality scans to the higher quality.
Now without boring you any further let me introduce this Hindi Indrajal comics to you. Titled 'Yantra Manvon ka Mrityu chakra' this Flash Gordon adventure was published by Indrajal comics as its 79th title in year 1969. This comics again I've scanned from the collection of Mr. PV shrivastava while visiting him last year. Editing again has been done by PBC. Although it is already available at the blog which was earlier scanner by Ajay Ji, but as Mr. Prakash has so graciously provided this comics to me for scanning I thought it is only appropriate to upload here as a sign of respect towards him an providing readers various reading options of the same copy.
I hope you all like this comics too.

Title- Indrajal comics [Hindi] issue 79- Yantra Manvon Ka Mrityuchakra
Character- Flash Grdon
Hard copy- Prakash Shrivastava
Editing- PBC
Scan and Upload- akfunworld

Click here to read this comics offline

Indrajal Comics [Hindi]- Issue 56 Mahabali Vetal aur Sundari Ka Kapatjal [Vetal]

Hello all,

I hope everyone is well and healthy. So big brother PBC has decided to go and enjoy his holidays for few weeks after working tirelessly for quite some time, and during this period he has entrusted me to continue the activities here and posting some new comics too. But before going on his long leave he again helped me by editing this long pending IJC hindi comics.

Today I've brought you all issue 56 if Indrajal Comics Hindi.Titled Mahabali Vetal and Sundari Ka Kapatjal this comics was yet to be posted anywhere online. I had scanned this long time back while visiting Prakash Shrivastava Ji but as some pages got little tilted while scanning I was waiting for someone to edit this so that i can post it here. Again Prabhat bhai [PBC] came to my rescue and edited it himself.

With this comics one more missing Hindi Indrajal comics is now online. I hope you all like it.

Title: Indrajal Comics [Hindi] 56- Mahabali Vetan aur Sundari Ka Kapat Jal
Hard copy- Mr. Prakash Shrivastava
Editing- PBC
Scan and Upload- akfunworld

Click here to read this comics offline

संख्या 20 खंड 48 - दानव देश (1983)

संख्या २० खंड ४८  - दानव देश 

(२७ नवम्बर - ३ दिसंबर १९८३) 
नायक: गार्थ 
लेखक: जिम एडगर
चित्रकार: एंगस एलेन 
और मार्टिन एस्बरी
Scanned by: Ishwar Singh 
Edited and uploaded by: PBC

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संख्या 20 खंड 33 - धधकते सितारे (1983)

संख्या 20 खंड 33 - धधकते सितारे
(14-20 Aug 1983) 
नायक: रिप किर्बी 
लेखक: फ्रेड डिकिन्स
चित्रकार: जॉन प्रेंटिस

Scanned by: Ishwar Singh 
Edited and uploaded by: PBC

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Coming Very soon by Ishwar:

  1. संख्या २० खंड ४८  - दानव  देश (१९८३) 
  2. संख्या २० खंड ५०  - खुनी उत्तराधिकारी (१९८३)  (scanned  ver.)
  3. संख्या ३६३  - जंगल का सोना  (१९८१ ) (scanned  ver.)

4 हिंदी इंद्रजाल कॉमिक्स: 2 वेताल - #41 (1967); #V22N14 (1985) और 2 बहादुर - #370 (1981); #V22N16 (1985)

आज लूट है...... जल्दी से 4 और हिंदी संभालिये .. 😅
इस तरह मदद करने वाले selfless  तीनों contributors  को thanks कहना न भूलियेगा।

पेश है,
50 + साल पुरानी, 
#41 - वेताल की यात्रा ज्वालमुखी के गर्भ में
Dated: 1 April 1967

शुरुआती दौर की एक अच्छी कॉमिक्स का better version ...

यह Sunday strips #67 - The Veiled Lady  (31 Oct 1965 - 8  May  1966) का हिंदी संस्करण है|
नायक:  वेताल 
लेखक: Lee Falk 
चित्रकार: Sy  Barry
कवर चित्रकार: Govind Brahmania

Scanned by:
Gaurav the Devil
Edited and uploaded by: PBC

Read Offline (41)

Note: 2 Ad पेज  missing थे
1.  2nd ad page हिंदी  में recreated है
2.  31st  ad page Eng #41 से लिया हूँ।

#370 - चार रास्ता का भूत Dated: 15 March 1981
नायक:  बहादुर
लेखक: Jagjit Uppal
चित्रकार: Govind Brahmania
कवर चित्रकार: Govind Brahmania

Scanned by: Ishwar Singh 
Edited and uploaded by: PBC

Read Offline 370 (new link - 5 Oct 2018)


if downloaded earlier -
5 replacement ad pages only - Here 

#V22N14 - काले मोतियो का रह्स्य 
Dated: 7 से 13 अप्रैल 1985 
यह Daily strips #95 - The Sea God (12 Sep 1966 - 24 Dec 1966) का हिंदी संस्करण है|
नायक:  वेताल 
लेखक: Lee Falk 
चित्रकार: Sy  Barry 
कवर चित्रकार: Govind Brahmania

#V22N16  - गुलामों का बाजार 
Dated: 21  से 27 अप्रैल 1985 
नायक: बहादुर
लेखक: Jagjit Uppal
चित्रकार: Govind Brahmania
कवर चित्रकार: Govind Brahmania

These 2 are scanned, edited and uploaded by: Bijoy Nath (B.K.Nath)

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हिंदी इंद्रजाल कॉमिक्स: संख्या २० खंड ५० - खूनी उत्तराधिकारी (१९८३)

कहाँ हैं हिंदी इंद्रजाल के दीवाने ? 😀
जब पोस्ट नहीं होती तो लम्बे request  लिखते हैं|
पोस्ट करने पे कॉमिक्स भेजने वालों को धन्यवाद कहने का समय भी नहीं मिलता|
चंद लोगों के अलावें सैकड़ों download करने वाले एक बार भी कभी हाजरी नहीं  लगाते | 😂

चलिए फिलहाल के लिए एक और missing  हिंदी पढ़ने के लिए आ गयी है| 
यह Bijoy Nath जी का चंद दिनों में  4 th contribution है |

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Cam scanned, edited and uploaded by Bijoy Nath.
All credits go to him.