
3 English Indrajal Comics #: 383, V21N49 & V25N20

383-1981-Mike Nomad-The Devil's Domain

V21N49-1984-Lt.Drake-The Outlaw's Haven

V25N20-1988-Phantom-Prisoner in the Tower (It’s reprinted version of #12 which is available in Hindi & English online.)

Friends who can read Hindi and English (both versions), today they are completing collection of three more Heroes “Mike Nomad”, “Lt.Drake” and “The Phantom” .
The Phantom: Total 402 IJC as main story (Including all reprinted versions) - First issue #1 (1964), Last issue #V27N06 (1990). English collectors need 10 more IJC & Hindi collectors need 289 IJC only .

Lt. Drake: Total 18 IJC as main story - First issue #379 (1981), Last issue #V22N24 (1985). English collectors need 5 IJC & Hindi collectors 11 more.

Mike Nomad: Total 7 as main story - First issue #383 (1981), Last issue #V20N35 (1983)

Only #383 is available in Hindi online.
Out of 803 Indrajal Comics, we need 57 in English, however only 242 are available in Hindi. Friends, who can read both, need 18 IJC only.
These are contributed by Ajay Misra. All credits to him.


  1. Wow..You guys sure know how to keep track on IJC postings.
    Keep it up.
    Waiting for the links.

  2. Prabhat,
    I see that there are only 10 more English Phantoms to be scanned/posted. Can you send me the list to my e-mail, if those are not available with Ajay (as if it is possible!) or any of your regular scanners? I did not concentrate on scanning Phantoms or Mandrakes, as Ajay was doing it. I can search my comics, as see if I do have them. Then I can start scanning those so that we can finish off the Ghost Who Walks.

  3. Prabhat, what happened to our crazy comikaze lawyer friend Dinesh Colaco?

    Dinesh, we are anxiously waiting for the scanned copies of your letters to the publishers. You promised to release them publicly after Easter and we haven't seen them still. We know that you are a man who sticks to his word. Yours sincerely...

  4. @ Anonymous,
    I think Dinesh is still searching the net for an eBook on "How to do Legal Drafting".
    .... Very HARD to find Law books on the net for free .... u see.... ;D

  5. Dinesh,

    Check these out:

    Looks like they were literally meant for you :)

  6. Thanks for these comics, Ajay & Prabhat

  7. Ooh la...Mike Nomad Twins & Phantom too... looking forward to the 0 number for all Phantom IJC's

    Thanks for sharing Prabhat & Ajay (The Invincible).


  8. @Jai: I keep tract all information in excel file, at least once a week update it. It's helping today.

    @ Venkit: Welcome! 3 Phantom comics we will wait from you. Thanks for providing information about your coming scans. Avoiding duplication in first round helped a lot.

    @Anonymous: Waiting his letter. I'm ready with several mirror medifire accounts & blogs too. :)))
    Forget to say I read all laws regarding such violations. Let him try to win a case & stop us.

    @ Mr. Outlaw: Agree, without people like us, he could not find a book. He can write me, I’ll can help with such book which can help him to make a case against us.

    @ Iman: Welcome!

    @ ÇómícólógÝ: It’s reachable. Soon we will have all & I’ll have time to start reading. Since few months I’m posting only.

  9. Thanks..Thanks..Thanks Postings on this website has been as regular as my daily newspaper and I cannot do without both of them!!!

  10. @Jai: I keep tract all information in excel file, at least once a week update it. It's helping today.

    @ Venkit: Welcome! 3 Phantom comics we will wait from you. Thanks for providing information about your coming scans. Avoiding duplication in first round helped a lot.

    @Anonymous: Waiting his letter. I'm ready with several mirror medifire accounts & blogs too. :)))
    Forget to say I read all laws regarding such violations. Let him try to win a case & stop us.

    @ Mr. Outlaw: Agree, without people like us, he could not find a book. He can write me, I’ll can help with such book which can help him to make a case against us.

    @ Iman: Welcome!

    @ ÇómícólógÝ: It’s reachable. Soon we will have all & I’ll have time to start reading. Since few months I’m posting only.

  11. Prabhat,
    I see that there are only 10 more English Phantoms to be scanned/posted. Can you send me the list to my e-mail, if those are not available with Ajay (as if it is possible!) or any of your regular scanners? I did not concentrate on scanning Phantoms or Mandrakes, as Ajay was doing it. I can search my comics, as see if I do have them. Then I can start scanning those so that we can finish off the Ghost Who Walks.

  12. @ Anonymous,
    I think Dinesh is still searching the net for an eBook on "How to do Legal Drafting".
    .... Very HARD to find Law books on the net for free .... u see.... ;D


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