
089 - The Gray Gang

 This comic was first appeared as D040 - The Gray Gang (4 Dec 1950- 24 Mar 1951)

Artist: Wilson McCoy

089-1969-Phantom- The Gray Gang-C2C New Scans

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One more contribution by Ajay Mishra. Hoping you'll like this comics.

Wilson McCoy (1902 - 1961, USA)

Wilson McCoy studied at the Art Institute of Chicago, The American Academy, and the St. Louis School of Fine Arts, where he later served on the faculty. Working as a commercial artist, he made paintings for Liberty Magazine covers, calendars, prints, pin-ups and advertisements for major companies. When his friend Ray Moore served in the military during WWII, McCoy took over the responsibilities of illustrating the syndicated newspaper strip, 'The Phantom'. His wife, Dorothy, did the lettering. McCoy continued drawing the strip until his death in 1961, after which it was continued by Bill Lignante for a short while, and then Sy Barry. Wilson McCoy's popular work on 'The Phantom' has been featured in comics and continues to be reprinted today.

(source of information: More info read at


  1. The posts are pouring in faster than I can download and comment! Thank you Ajay & Prabhat for both this and the Samaris scans.

  2. @Colonel Worobu: Ha ha ha...
    We don't post people complains, if post complains. :)

    Many are in pipeline, all blames also go to contributors. :))

    As I'm not wishing Happy New Year, so you can guess that it's not last post of this year. We are trying to make happy people like you who love Cover to Cover version. :)

  3. Love it! Keep 'em coming my friend :o)

    Let's see a sample of Emile's Tarzan strips also soon :o) Just want to check if it is the same that I saw on the comic website.

  4. >> Many are in pipeline, all blames also go to contributors. :))

    Hahahaha...don't these contributors realize how much hard work it is to download compared to scanning? They are so cruel :o)

  5. @@Colonel Worobu: He he he.... It's our visiting card. We don't give chance to comment. :))

    I'm 4 post behind my posting plan about Tarzan. So, as fine, sending you via email.

  6. Cruel are not, you guys all are greedy. You are making me run out of my 3 new External drives, and within a year, I am looking out for another one to bulk up the collection.

    Poor downloader, me, have to suffer out of your cruelty... Gosh :)

    Thanks for another IJC, P&A. Also I believe there is one more post before the new year... and possibly one on the grand occassion. so I will save the greetings for later :)

    Brother, send me a sample scan of Emile's Tarzan scan too, wanna enjoy it first up along with Col :)

  7. @Rafiq Raja: This time buy a big size external drive. We are in mood. :))

    You are true, may be 2. I'm posting from USA, hoping you remember. :))

    It's already in your mail-box, even before you asked.

  8. Hey Prabhat, did you realize that this is your 100th Post ??? In hardwork, it's astonishing to see that you are missing out in noticing your own milestones.... :)

    congrats, buddy. and hopefully once you merge all IJC posts in here, then we would be celeberating the 250th post in no time.

  9. @Rafiq Raja: I know. Actually it's not. Because to add #IJC numbers, I was forced to divide first post in 2 part few weeks ago. There were more than 20 tags.

    If you like, cam wish in next post. :)

  10. Hey Prabhat, did you realize that this is your 100th Post ??? In hardwork, it's astonishing to see that you are missing out in noticing your own milestones.... :)

    congrats, buddy. and hopefully once you merge all IJC posts in here, then we would be celeberating the 250th post in no time.

  11. @Rafiq Raja: This time buy a big size external drive. We are in mood. :))

    You are true, may be 2. I'm posting from USA, hoping you remember. :))

    It's already in your mail-box, even before you asked.


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