
104 - Veetal Aur Bhoot

Red for prosperity
Green for happiness
Blue for longevity
Orange for progress
Pink for friendship
May you be blessed with all Shades of life
Wish you a very happy and colourful Holi!

I'm sure, many readers already know that  almost all Charlton Comics (The Phantom) from #30 to #74 except 5 (#37, #52, #68, #71, #72)  were reprinted by Indrajal Comics.
It's a Charlton #35  (Dec - 1969)   which was printed as Indrajal comics #104 in 1970.
Story title (English Indrajal 1970 also):  The Ghost Tribe    
Writer: Bill Harris
Artist: Bill Lignante

Old link  was down, collect form repost: Here

It's a contribution by Anurag Dixit.

Hoping you'll like this comics.


  1. I wish a very colourful Holi to all of us . Wish that colours of happiness are spread in our lives too .
    Thanks to Anurag for shaing this comic in Hindi .


  2. Happy Holi to all of you. Thanks Anurag.

  3. Excellent cover art.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Happy holi to all the readers of the blog, and a special thanks to the contributors who keep us happy.

  4. Ajay, IUnknown & Vedha: Wish you the same. :)

  5. Thanks for another IJC HQ Prabhat... seems I missed this post out over the week :)

  6. @Rafiq Raja: You are welcome! Thanks to Anurag we've one more Hindi C2C version.

  7. @Rafiq Raja: You are welcome! Thanks to Anurag we've one more Hindi C2C version.


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