
Hindi IJC #: 116, 118, 176, 179 and Eng #: 51, 411, V21N31, V26N29

Here are some  comics. These are scanned from physical copies provided by Abhishek Asthana - an IJC fan who  sent physical copies at own arrangement. All credits go to him.

051-1967-Phantom-The River Pirates

Script/illustration: Bill Lignante

The River Pirates comic was first printed  in Gold Key #15 (Dec 1965).

Download GK version: Here

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116-1970-Vetal-Samudrik Dasyu Kendra

It's Daily strips #84 : The Wharf Rats (18-Jun-1962 to 13-Oct-1962)

Author: Lee Falk

Artist: Barry

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118-1970-Veetal-Danke Ki Raat

It contains  comics from  D104 & Charlton #39
Download Charlton #39: Here

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176-1973-Mandrake-Antim Manav

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179-1973-Veetal-Tisra Vetal(Mandrake- Parvat Bhakshi)

The phantom story is Sunday Strip # 84.

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411-1982-Mandrake-The Sinister World of 8

Update 5th July 2010: The old link is replaced. Try!

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V21N31-1984-Bruce Lee-Escapade in Kalahari

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V26N29-1989- Rip Kirby - The Foiled Coup

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P.S.: One can download Daily & Sunday strips: HERE


  1. Wonderful presentation with eight antique Indrajal Comics and Great job for every true IJC lover.

    Thanks Prabhat for scanning and uploading, and many thanks to Mr. Abhishek Asthana for providing rare physical copies.

    And I like to thanks all IJC blogger for sharing(I know the pain of scanning and cleaning) their Comics collection just for sharing pleasure.

  2. Prabhat You indeed are #1. That's It!!

  3. Whaaaaaaaaatttttttt a Treat !!!!!

    Thanks Prabhat and Abhishek---Thanks A LOT!!!!

    Prabhat, please have a look to the Daily & Sunday strips--some of them need repair.

    Thanks again


  4. @Bengali Indrajal Comics: These were pending since a long & not scanned by me.

    Was question before me: To be or not to be.

    Finally decided to post respecting Abhishek's selfless efforts.

    Someone told me, "The arrangement is most important". That's why all credits to Abhishek only. :)

  5. @Raj Vardhan Varma: Thanks! However, according to me, there are many new & old bloggers far ahead of me. The number comics posted should not be parameter only.

  6. @praveen: Due to some technical problems & busy schedule unable to fix since long. As I'll fix, put info in sidebar.

    Thanks to selfless person like Abhishek, we are getting these rare issues.

  7. Great job, many many thanx...!!

  8. This is a very nice treat. Now I can kick back and enjoy the weekend with these treasures.

    Thanks Prabhat & Abhishek!

  9. "Sinister world of 8" archive is broken. Page 019.jpg is missing.

  10. Good job Prabhat and gang. Please review and repost Sinister World of 8 - IJC 411. Pages 18 & 19 give me problems in the archive.

  11. @@Raj Vardhan Varma: Pls read "The number comics" as "the numbers of comics"

  12. @Sagar: Hoping this month, you'll be more happier. Keep visiting.

  13. @Colonel Worobu: Replaced the link & sending you page #18 & #19. Check mail.

  14. @वेताल शिखर: Welcome!

    In very near future these Eng IJCs are coming:
    Venkit's scan: #110, #113, #116, #126
    ERB's old but edited: #118

  15. @Venkitachalam Subramanian: Thanks to persons like you, we are getting these rare IJC.

    Replaced the link of #411 & sent you both pages by e-mail also.

    Pls, check reply mail for your personal questions.

  16. 2010 का अब तक का सबसे ज्यादा जोरदार, धमाकेदार , दमदार और झन्नाटेदार प्रदर्शन !!! किसी भी IJC ब्लॉग पर इस वर्ष में अब तक एक साथ 8 इंद्रजाल एक ही पोस्ट में नहीं आई हैं , PBC आप सही मायनो में "ONE MAN ARMY " हो , अभिषेक भी बधाई के पात्र हैं , जिन्होंने अपनी इंद्रजाल की प्रतियाँ पोस्ट करने के उद्देश्य से सोंपी , और इंद्रजाल के हिंदी - इंग्लिश पाठकों को एक सामान झुमने पर विवश कर दिया , सही मायनो में मानसून की पहली मुसलाधार "इन्द्रजालिये बरसात" तो अब हुई है !!

    इंद्रजाल की प्रतियाँ तो सभी इंद्रजाल प्रेमियों की धरोहर हैं , इन पर तो आंच भी नहीं आनी चाहिए , मगर अफ़सोस इनकी हालत अब काफी करुणाजनक और पीड़ादायक है क्योंकि अब बहुत सी प्रतियाँ गलत दुकानदारो के हाथों में आ गयी हैं जिन्होंने इसे एक 'नीलामी' की वस्तु मात्र बना के रख दिया है , आज इंद्रजाल प्रतियों की DEMAND CURVE बहुत ऊपर जा चुकी है जबकि SUPPLY तो 1990 से ही बंद है , नतीजन कीमतें आसमान को छु रही हैं , दुकानदारो ने ऊँचे दाम लगा के 'बोलियाँ' लगानी शुरू कर दी है , उन्होंने इसे 'नोट' कमाने का जरिया बना लिया है, जो भी इसे ऊँचे दामो पर खरीदेगा वो कोई इंद्रजाल प्रेमी तो हो नहीं सकता बल्कि वोह भी इस सोच से खरीदेगा की मैं भी इसे आगे 'और ऊँचे दामो' पर बेच के अपनी जेब गर्म करूँगा , इस तरह से इंद्रजाल की प्रतियों की खरीदो - फरोकत का यह "दुष्चक्र" अगर एक बार चल पड़ा तो तब तक नहीं थमेगा जब तक की "इंद्रजाल की प्रतियां अपनी अंतिम सांस न ले लें और अपना दम न तोड़ दे "
    जैसे "TIGER " विलुप्त होने की कगार पर हैं ठीक उसी तरह से अगर इंद्रजाल की शेष प्रतियों का भी यही हाल रहा तो वो दिन दूर नहीं जब यह यह शेष प्रतियाँ भी पूरी तरह से विलुप्त हो जाएँगी !!


    प्रेत के दिल से

  17. Thanks, Prabhat. Got the 2 jpgs and fixed my CBR.
    Check ur e-mail later. U may be surprised.

    All the best.

  18. Until now, the shopkeepers were dealing & saying honestly, "We deal".

    A new generation of black marketers (who are misleading as BIG FAN of comics) has emerged. They say, "We are HELPING collectors or some dealers*".

    Might be the dealers helped in past, OK, so once helped. I unable to understand, how those dealers were dealing & surviving if regularly need help of BIG FANS? What is the reason of such love with dealers, these fans even don't hesitate to put own family members in front?

    What a brilliant way of marketing:
    spreading digital comics through others, gifting some comics free or at very low rate initially,
    putting himself at very high rate at internet shop,
    later offering relatively lower rate than e-shop.

    And poor collectors are happy.

  19. @Venkitachalam Subramanian: Thanks! It's really pleasant surprise. Pls check my reply also.

  20. @Comic World: You are welcome!

  21. Awesome post with 8 antique IJCs, I am loving to. Thanks much to Prabhat and Asthana :)

  22. link of 176-1973-Mandrake-Antim Manav deleted
    plz. provide new link

  23. link of 176-1973-Mandrake-Antim Manav deleted
    plz. provide new link

  24. @@Raj Vardhan Varma: Pls read "The number comics" as "the numbers of comics"

  25. Whaaaaaaaaatttttttt a Treat !!!!!

    Thanks Prabhat and Abhishek---Thanks A LOT!!!!

    Prabhat, please have a look to the Daily & Sunday strips--some of them need repair.

    Thanks again


  26. Prabhat You indeed are #1. That's It!!

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  28. links are dead friend! pls upload again!


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