
5 Miscellaneous IJCs (1974): 199, 202, 212, 215, 219

India is celebrating her 62nd Republic Day today.

Wishing all the Indians & persons of Indian origin across the world
Congratulations on India's 62th Republic Day Celebrations....

My heart is where my land is,
My land is where my heart is,
That is why I also call my India, "Heartland"

Bharat Maa ki Jai ho!

All followings Indrajal are based on brave Indians.

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These are scanned & edited by Venkitachalam Subramanian. All thanks & credits to him.


  1. At the risk of being accused of patting my own back or blowing my own trumpet, let me say "Awesome post".

    Happy Republic Day to all Indians.

  2. It is an awesome post indeed. Thank you Venkit, and pat yourself on the back one more time on my behalf as well :o)

  3. At the risk of being accused of patting my own back or blowing my own trumpet, let me say "Awesome post".

    Happy Republic Day to all Indians.


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