
223 (1975) Komagata Maru

Here is another HR miscellaneous IJC based on a true story.

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Scanned & edited by Venkitachalam Subramanian. All thanks & credits go to him. 


  1. Nice 1.........One request.......If possible plz try to use other file hosting services other than Rapidshare.....Its frustrating experience while downloading from rapidshare ...... tHE ONLY WAY TO BRING these rapidshare people DOWN BACK ON D EARTH IS TO BOYCOTT THEM.....Mediafire is much better option

  2. @nishadjp9Mostly our members also like mediafire links. Mediafire has changed policy for free uploading - now mediafire links are for limited time period.
    Venkit is using rapidshare premium account since long, i.e as longer he is paying for account, these links will be available.
    Think, these are better than nothing.
    We are doing what we can, as it's 100% free sharing & our hobby only.

  3. Nice 1.........One request.......If possible plz try to use other file hosting services other than Rapidshare.....Its frustrating experience while downloading from rapidshare ...... tHE ONLY WAY TO BRING these rapidshare people DOWN BACK ON D EARTH IS TO BOYCOTT THEM.....Mediafire is much better option


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