
260 (1976) The Killer Gang

 It's IJC version of D074 - The Swamp Rats (15 Jun 1959 - 3 Oct 1959)
Script: Lee Falk
Art: Wilson McCoy

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Scanned & edited by Venkitachalam Subramanian. All thanks & credits go to him.

P.S "The Swamp Rats" is also published in Gold Key #5 (1963), however it was re-written by Bill Harris (based on original script by Lee Falk) and redrawn by Bill Lignante.
The GK story version was reprinted in IJC #31.


  1. IJC 256 earlier published in this blog also was brought out by Gold Key or Charlton witha different artist, similar to this comic.

  2. You are true.
    IJC 256 contains modified S-56: The Goggle-Eye which was printed in Gold Key #4 (1963). The writer of GK version is Bill Harris & the artist is Bill Lignante.


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