
273 (1977) The Professional Killer

First time online the REAL scans of  English Indrajal #273. 

In fact, it's reprint of Charlton #73 (Oct 1976).
The original story title: The Torch   
Writter: Ben S. Parillo   
Artist: Don Newton

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Scanned & edited by Venkitachalam Subramanian. All thanks & credits go to him. 


  1. I know I had mentioned about Don Newton, when "The Noble Lineage" was posted. Some of the artwork in this comic is really stupendous. The scene where the Torch is tied and then the Phantom throws a battle axe to divert the arrow which would have killed the Torch etc are really noteworthy.

    Of course IJC did their usual editing. In the Goldkey, the Torch lives, but in the IJC version, we are left to think that he is dead.

  2. Haven't seen this before; thanks so much Venkit !!

  3. I know I had mentioned about Don Newton, when "The Noble Lineage" was posted. Some of the artwork in this comic is really stupendous. The scene where the Torch is tied and then the Phantom throws a battle axe to divert the arrow which would have killed the Torch etc are really noteworthy.

    Of course IJC did their usual editing. In the Goldkey, the Torch lives, but in the IJC version, we are left to think that he is dead.


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