
274 (1977) The Haunted Beach

It's D-161: Super Shark (18 Aug 1975 - 15 Nov 1975)
Writer: Lee Falk
Artist: Fred Fredericks

Download 1600px width C2C file

Scanned & edited by Venkitachalam Subramanian. All thanks & credits go to him.


  1. Thanks a lot Mr.PBC for providing mediafire links &
    Big Thanks to Mr.Venkit for his non-stop furious onslaught of classic Indrajal of all time.You don't bother about comments and just keep going n going to amaze every IJC fan
    Splendid Effort

  2. @TIGER Don't worry, Venkit was just kidding. :)

    He is paying for rapidshare premium a/c, which max space is being used for keeping IJC scans only.

    Whenever I'll have free time, I'll post mediafire links too. But I'm using free a/c, so the links have limited life.

  3. Thanks a lot Mr.PBC for providing mediafire links &
    Big Thanks to Mr.Venkit for his non-stop furious onslaught of classic Indrajal of all time.You don't bother about comments and just keep going n going to amaze every IJC fan
    Splendid Effort


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