
284 (1977) The White Ghost's Den

It's 3rd Bahadur comic.
Written by Abid Surti 
Illustrated by Late Govind Brahmania.

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Scanned & edited by Venkitachalam Subramanian. All thanks & credits go to him.


  1. I may not be able to scan and send comics for the next 2 weeks at least. I tripped, fell and suffered muscle contusion. Mayhaps some persons who consider me a cheat put a hex on me?

    Hopefully the other members will step in with Hi-Res scans during this time?

  2. Sorry to know this. Get perfectly well soon. We can wait for a star scanner like you if can't find a suitable fill-in soon here. Meanwhile, Ajay is doing well at his place.

    Thanks a lot for the efforts.

  3. @The Phantom Head (TPH)Absolutely agree about Venkit.

    However, it's not right comparing Venkit & Ajay.

    Yes, both are scanning.

    Venkit's is scanning & sharing with all - just as hobby.

    But, Mr. Ajay is using scan sharing very cleverly - it's a way of promotion his comics trading BUSINESS only.

  4. Excellent 1...Thanks 4 uploading

  5. Excellent 1...Thanks 4 uploading


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