
V25N18-1988 - Raiders Of Amaland - I

This Indrajal contains first parts of three comics:

1. Phantom's S-128: Queen Amaza's Mate (28 Dec 1986 - 28 Jun 1987)
Script: Lee Falk
Artist: Seymour Barry
2. Rip Kirby (IJC title): The web of hurdles
Original strips # 117 (1978-11-06 / 1979-02-03)
Artist: John Prentice
3. Timpa (IJC title): To catch a spy

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Scanned & edited by Venkitachalam Subramanian. All thanks & credits go to him.

P.S. The concluding part is coming soon.


  1. This has been posted many times already. I can find it on many sites including this one. Why posting same thing time and again! An effort in vain!
    Please do not post 2nd part. If you need, I can send that with best resolution.
    Please make your hard work help the cause.

  2. venkitachalam subramanian2 March 2013 at 06:37

    This, as far as I know, is not a blog of Mohammed started for Mohammed, by Mohammed. You are just one of the free loaders. So if you do not like this blog or the stuff here, please don't come here and also stop downloading.

    What is the cause, that our hard work should help? I do not have a clue. Our first aim was to get all the 803 IJCs online, which we did way back in 2008. The present cause is to try and get all the old English ones in Hi-Res. We are doing well in that regard. In addition, with the help of some very good friends like Rakesh, Anupam etc, we are presenting Hindi IJCs also here.

    Since you do claim to have "best resolution", please do send them to Prabhat or post on your own. Opening one's mouth and adding to global warming is one thing, but putting forth something concrete is entirely a different thing.

    Not sure what your problem is. But I surely hope you get over your problems and spread some cheer in this world.

  3. How many members you have on this site..94 and how many people are posting currently only 4 (PBC, Rakesh, You, Anupam). All rest 90 members are freeloaders...per your definition..he he he!
    Same 240 people like thi ssite on Facebook...all freeloaders per your definition...he he he!
    The cause to publish all IJC (if possible in all languages) online...get it now?

    Funny you telling me not to come here on this for everyone...not a paid site....will come and comment...stop policing...ridiculous suggestion..he he he!

  4. thank you very much friends!

  5. Hi venkitachalam subramanian,
    You all are doing a great work over here, there will always be people like Mr. Mohammed - good for nothing, unable to do anything on their own, just piggyback on someone and thats it....these people will never appreciate how much hard work is been put on to make a full collection of old jems....please continue the good work. We appreciate the efforts of you all


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