
114 (1970) The Fiftieth Wife

It's IJC version of  D-79: The 50th Wife (31 Oct 1960 - 25 Feb 1961)

Writer: Lee Falk
Artist: McCoy

Download 2000px width C2C file

Scanned & edited by Venkitachalam Subramanian. All thanks & credits go to him. 

P.S. Some panels were damaged. Sharing after fixing & additional cleaning as well recreating missing advertisement pages using photoshop.


  1. I had completely forgotten that I had sent you this old comic with no covers and advt pages with some damaged and torn panels.

    Anyway good that you cleaned up all those and posted the comic.

  2. @venkit 8 more IJCs which need fixing are pending since long. Soon I'll fix & post.

    After uploading noted that TFW 027 was not fixed. So I had deleled old link & uploaded new one.

  3. I had completely forgotten that I had sent you this old comic with no covers and advt pages with some damaged and torn panels.

    Anyway good that you cleaned up all those and posted the comic.


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