
293 (1978) The Taste of Poison

It's IJC version of  S-99: Joonkar and the Slavers (18 Apr 1976 - 29 Aug 1976)
Artist: Sy Barry
Writer: Lee Falk

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Scanned & edited by Venkitachalam Subramanian. All thanks & credits go to him.


  1. An interesting thing. I am able to post comments to Blogger from my office computer as a Google account holder, but not able from home, where I have to use my AIM account. I have IE 7 at work, while I have IE 8 at home. Possible reason for problem?

  2. @Venkitachalam Subramanian It's possible. I'm using Firefox & Chrome, sometimes also use Opera. Don't remember when last time used IE.


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