#257: Mandrake and the Bandits of Magna

 It's originally posted at Mandrake The Magician************************************************ Thanks everyone for voting!!!Since the voting is almost done, the most voted Indrajal comic (for the first time in this blog -Mandrake The Magician) is presented here. Unfortunately, the scans are not of a high quality and if someone has this physical copy a better version of the scans can be made available at a later time. If anybody finds better...
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John Drake - The Victim at Darehouse (#423)

जॉन ड्रेक - बोलती लाशें (The Victim at Darehouse का हिंदी रूपांतरण) Published in 1982 , numbered as 423 प्रसिद्ध चिकित्सक डाक्टर फेयर फेक्स एक दिन अचानक गायब हो गए। ये एक मामूली अपहरण कि घटना थी या किसी बड़ी साजिश की शुरुआत ... http://rapidshare.com/files/57027403/423_-_John_Drake_-_Bolati_Lashein__by_anupam_.cbz (सॉरी, कल लिंक डालना भूल गया था)p.s New link of this version is given here: 1-443 (Re-post of all available Hindi Ind...
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