1 Hindi ( #232) & 3 English (#160, 168 & V21N31) Indrajal Comics

A version of these two English Phantom IJC are already posted in this blog. These are new & original  Indrajal scans  contributions by Anonymous.160-1972-Phantom-The Skull Cave This one is new & better version. 168-1972-Phantom-Where is Diana (Full) This is a complete (all pages) version. A rare IJC in Hindi. In fact these all are rare, but this one is very special for me. I never read this one before. After a long search,...
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233 - The Golden Woods; 283 - The Crime Wave in Mawitaan And Some Covers

233-1975-Phantom-The Golden Woods It was reprinted as V24N20-1987-Phantom-The Vicious Intruders. 283-1977-Phantom-The Crime Wave in Mawitaan Both are Ajay's contributions, english header of # 283 made by Ajnaabi and I cleaned these scans with help of Photo shop. Hope you will like. Few more coming Indrajal Comics: * Anurag's scans * Ajay's scan...
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Some Old Bengali Indrajals & Other Missing COVERS! ...

Hello friends!First of all,thanks for visiting this Blog-space regularly even though irregular posting from my side ;-) and as a result 40,000 Limits has been crossed just few days back!What I can say??Thanks for your visit....keep coming friends!! :D Now,as the post-title suggests,here I'm posting some rare vintage Indrajal covers in Bengali Version - IN 'celebration' of my F380 scanner,which backs in life just yesterday(after the last year!!),wid...
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131-The Deadly Trap

  This comic is scanned by our team member Ajay Misra & was first shared through TSCT. Keeping same date for visitors who already downloaded - to avoid confusion. Keep visiti...
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210 - The Shark Island & 225 - Rajkumari

Contributor had just added the missing pages in the version already available online (this blog). 210-1974-Phantom-The Shark Island (NEW) Password: bookscomics.blogspot.com It's an Anonymous contribution. 225-1975-Phantom-Rajkumari Password: bookscomics.blogspot.com It's an Ajay's contribution. Many many thanks to both frien...
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Hindi & English .Indrajal Comics #381 & #424 & Some English Covers

26 January 2010: It's my own post - imported from Books & Comics for your convenience. Kept date as original post.  Please don't confuse!*********************Dear Parth, A prayer: to bless your way! A wish : to lighten your moments! A cheer: to perfect your day! A text: to say HAPPY BIRTH DAY! Contributor Anurag’s son Parth Dixit, going to be 10years on 20th November, student of class Vth in D.P.S. Raipur, Chhattisgarh state, India.He...
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