089 - The Gray Gang

 This comic was first appeared as D040 - The Gray Gang (4 Dec 1950- 24 Mar 1951) Artist: Wilson McCoy 089-1969-Phantom- The Gray Gang-C2C New Scans   One more contribution by Ajay Mishra. Hoping you'll like this comics. Wilson McCoy (1902 - 1961, USA) Wilson McCoy studied at the Art Institute of Chicago, The American Academy, and the St. Louis School of Fine Arts, where he later served on the faculty. Working as a commercial...
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013 - The Phantom And Samaris

Today enjoy another  Indrajal Comics - cover to cover new scans.  The Artist of this story is Bill Lignante.  It was first appered as Sunday Strips #059 (5 Nov 1961- 13 May 1962): Queen Samaris XII. 013-1965-Phantom-The Phantom And Samaris    Bill Lignante (b. 20/3/1925, USA) Bill Lignante is a longtime artist of 'Phantom' comic books. After a three-year-stint in the US Navy, he enrolled at the Pratt Institute...
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299 - Vetal Ki Svapanpuri

 One promised Hindi Indrajal Comics - (C2C version) 299 -1978 - Vetal Ki Svapanpuri    It's scanned by  Ajay Misra. Hoping you'll like this comics! Tried to keep colours alive,  and clean all portion- not only balloons. What you think about such type of pages?...
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011 - The Phantom's Treasure

Today observed:  1. The Mail Readers has increase  from 14 to 49 since last post. 2. The blog has crossed  10000 visits mark. 3.  32950+ pages were viewed.  Thanks friends! such feedback encourages us.   Today we brought for you another new and C2C version - Indrajal Comics # 011 (1964) The Phantom's Treasure. Hoping you'll like this comics.      It's contributed by Ajay Misra. Good...
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010 - The Phantom's Ring

This version contains more pages than earlier available. However, still some advertisement and supplementary pages are missing. Hoping, you'll like it. 010 - 1964 - Phantom - The Phantom's Ring (More pages) It's scanned by Ajay Misra. ...
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067 - THE Phantom & the SEA GOD

1st of all..m very very sorry for late posting..was very much busy.. all the visitors can see that i've just one post in november.. so..m going to post atleast 6 comics in december as a recovery..if possible, i'll b posting more comics.. m giving another eng ijc rescanned by me: indrajal comics no.67- 1st june, 1968 download High resolution: http://www.mediafire.com/?nn2ttyu5ond posting only in high resolution..the...
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007 - The Man Eating Plant

Absolutely new scans - all pages version. 007-1964-Phantom- The Man Eating Plant (HR)or 007-1964-Phantom- The Man Eating Plant (SR) It's scanned by Ajay Mis...
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003 - The Challenge of Cannibals

Update 10.12.2009: The legendary Govind Brahmania (02.03.1938 ~ 09.12.2009) is no more with us. It's an unrecoverable loss for all Indrajal fans. His famous works: IJC logo, several Indrajal covers (starting from #1), illustration of Bahadur. It's opinion of major part of IJC fans that the his COVERS made IJC so popular. Photo courtesy:Alok ***************************** Hello friends! Munna Bhai is back. :) I was expecting to get...
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HAPPY KALI PUJA & DIWALI with English #45 The Deadly Web

Happy kali puja and diwali to all.. Here's something that will make diwali very special for all... indrajal comics no.45- 1st july, 1967 download High resolution:http://www.mediafire.com/?tdkwzjvw3oj This is another comics rescanned by me..posting only in high resolution.. hope all the visitors will like i...
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126 - Jangal Seva Kendra

मैंने अपने हिन्दी पाठकों को बहुत इंतजार कराया..माफ़ कीजियेगा॥ यह रहा मेरा पहला हिन्दी कॉमिक..सिफ आप लोगों के लिए॥ indrajal comics no.126(hindi)- 15th january, 1971 डाउनलोड करें High resolution:http://www.mediafire.com/?mzdnem0nihz या standard resolution:http://www.mediafire.com/?fyzlzzng0yz मुझे आशा है कि आप सभी को यह कॉमिक पसंद आयेगा...
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043 - The Mystery of the Diamond Queen

Apologizing to all the bloggers and visitors..m really very sorry..for posting late.. Actually I was having some problems with my computer and the net.. Since m back again..hope all the bloggers and visitors will be happy So, in this post...there are two ijcs..one in Bengali and one in English.. To get Bengali IJC visit walkerindrajal.blogspot.com now..the english one.. indrajal comics no.43-1st june, 1967 download High...
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267 - Lal Haveli Ka Rahasya

Today 15th August 2009, India is celebrating 63rd Independence day. First Bahadur Comics (1 December, 1976): #267 - Lal Haveli Ka Rahasya (with autograph & photos) for more details check 250th post of B&C blog. It's a new scans. Standard resolution Higher resolution All thanks & credits go to Anurag Bhai & Alok Bh...
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Some Bengali Phantom/Mandrake Covers & vintage Strips...

These are from my old scans which I did few months back!! Besides some vintage Bengali Phantom/Mandrake Indrajal covers,I'm attaching a couple of pages of Bengali Phantom Sundays from a old magazine.....watch out for the fabulous coloring(despite the books are more than 20 years old & I haven't done any editing!!) Actually,I have planned to scan more such stuffs but my scanner not working since long...hopefully things will be fixed soon!!...
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032 - Oogooru The Diety Of Murder

This is one of the comics that was posted early.. but there were some problems.. as i said before, i will not post a comic without a cover.. m talking about this... indrajal comics no. 32- october, 1966 (NEW SCANS) download High resolution:http://www.mediafire.com/?gjjtznxj0xo 0r Standard resolution:http://www.mediafire.com/?yg0jtw51uzw I've rescanned this comic..as the early version was missing some pages.. hope...
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Now all 803 English Indrajal Comics are online. Last 6 English Indrajal Comics - #272, #278, #V21N07, #V25N32, #V25N41,#V26N34

This party is brought to you by Ajay Misra, Venkitachalam Subramanian, Ajnaabi, Mr. Walker and Shekhar Chandra. I’m a medium only. Indrajal Digital posting period: 17th April 2005 to 24 july 2009, 4 years & 102 days, i.e. 1562 days. And, this post is making all 803 English Indrajal online. Hurrah! 272-1977-Miscellaneous-Mahabharata Part 1 278-1977-Miscellaneous-Mahabharata Part 2 I had a dream to collect all Indrajal Comics...
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V22N46 - The Ghost's Fury (Post 2)

It's my 1st post at THE RETURN OF INDRAJAL COMICS!!!  ***********************Few weeks ago, when I was searching this Indrajal in English Mr. Walker had promised to send me instead of posting at his own blog which he was planning to launch, this one, and sent me this Indrajal Comics. Thanks, buddy! As he is busy with his exams, I decided to post this one at his blog, not mine, to encourage this selfless Youngman. Our goal was to collect all...
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V22N46 - The Ghost's Fury (Post 1)

It is originally posted at Indrajal Comics - Countdown Continues  ***********************It's first Indrajal Comics scanned by 'Mr. Walker'. I'm glad to find out, the show is going on. We are near to complete collection and second round of Indrajal Posting already started, better versions are coming online. Mr.Walker was planning to launch a blog for Bengali, English and Hindi Indrajal, however he decided to contribute his first scans me....
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V23N51 - The Ill Fated Voyage Part 2

V23N50 -1986 -Phantom- The Ill Fated Voyage Part I (New scans) Standard Resolution or Higher Resolution It's contributed by Ajay Mis...
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V23N50 - The Ill Fated Voyage Part I

Ladies and Gentlemen, attention please: to join party: 24 th July, 2009 at 1 P.M. IST . Last 2 missing Indrajal Comics are under scanning & 4 more are already ready. So we are not only going to post 800th digital English Indrajal at net, rest 3 too. The post will contain 6 English Indrajal Comics. And we'll have all 803 Indrajal Comics in our collection. Cheers! V23N50 -1986 -Phantom- The Ill Fated Voyage Part I (New scans)...
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