Now all 803 English Indrajal Comics are online. Last 6 English Indrajal Comics - #272, #278, #V21N07, #V25N32, #V25N41,#V26N34

This party is brought to you by Ajay Misra, Venkitachalam Subramanian, Ajnaabi, Mr. Walker and Shekhar Chandra. I’m a medium only. Indrajal Digital posting period: 17th April 2005 to 24 july 2009, 4 years & 102 days, i.e. 1562 days. And, this post is making all 803 English Indrajal online. Hurrah! 272-1977-Miscellaneous-Mahabharata Part 1 278-1977-Miscellaneous-Mahabharata Part 2 I had a dream to collect all Indrajal Comics...
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V22N46 - The Ghost's Fury (Post 2)

It's my 1st post at THE RETURN OF INDRAJAL COMICS!!!  ***********************Few weeks ago, when I was searching this Indrajal in English Mr. Walker had promised to send me instead of posting at his own blog which he was planning to launch, this one, and sent me this Indrajal Comics. Thanks, buddy! As he is busy with his exams, I decided to post this one at his blog, not mine, to encourage this selfless Youngman. Our goal was to collect all...
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V22N46 - The Ghost's Fury (Post 1)

It is originally posted at Indrajal Comics - Countdown Continues  ***********************It's first Indrajal Comics scanned by 'Mr. Walker'. I'm glad to find out, the show is going on. We are near to complete collection and second round of Indrajal Posting already started, better versions are coming online. Mr.Walker was planning to launch a blog for Bengali, English and Hindi Indrajal, however he decided to contribute his first scans me....
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V23N51 - The Ill Fated Voyage Part 2

V23N50 -1986 -Phantom- The Ill Fated Voyage Part I (New scans) Standard Resolution or Higher Resolution It's contributed by Ajay Mis...
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V23N50 - The Ill Fated Voyage Part I

Ladies and Gentlemen, attention please: to join party: 24 th July, 2009 at 1 P.M. IST . Last 2 missing Indrajal Comics are under scanning & 4 more are already ready. So we are not only going to post 800th digital English Indrajal at net, rest 3 too. The post will contain 6 English Indrajal Comics. And we'll have all 803 Indrajal Comics in our collection. Cheers! V23N50 -1986 -Phantom- The Ill Fated Voyage Part I (New scans)...
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V25N45 - Ambush at Sea Part 2

V25N45-1988 -Mandrake- Ambush at Sea Part 2 (Complete) Standard Resolution or Higher Resolution It's contributed by Ajay Misra. ************************************************************************************ Coming soon...
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V25N44 - Ambush at Sea Part 1

V25N44-1988 -Mandrake- Ambush at Sea Part 1 (Complete) Standard Resolution or Higher Resolution It's contributed by Ajay Mis...
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V25N02 - Journey of the Emerald Island Part 2

V25N02-1988-Phantom-Journey of the Emerald Island Part 2 (Complete) Standard Resolution or Higher Resolution It's contributed by Ajay Misra. *************************************************************************** Ajnaabi and Venkit has noted, followings are incomplete too: V23N50 -1986 -Phantom- The Ill Fated Voyage Part I V23N51 -1986 -Phantom- The Ill Fated Voyage Part II V25N44 - 1988 -Mandrake- Ambush at Sea Part I V25N45 - 1988...
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V25N01 - Journey of the Emerald Island Part I

V25N01-1988-Phantom-Journey of the Emerald Island Part I (Complete) Standard Resolution or Higher Resolution It's contributed by Ajay Misra....
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V24N30 - The Headless Figure Part 2

V24N30 - 1987 - Mandrake - The Headless Figure Part 2 (Complete) Standard Resolution or Higher Resolution It's contributed by Ajay Mis...
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V24N29 - The Headless Figure Part 1

V24N29 - 1987 - Mandrake - The Headless Figure Part 1 (Complete) Standard Resolution or Higher Resolution It's contributed by Ajay Mis...
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V23N33 - The Trials of Valour Part 2

V23N33 - 1986 - Mandrake - The Trials of Valour Part 2 (Complete) Standard Resolution or Higher Resolution It's contributed by Ajay Mis...
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V23N32 - The Trials of Valour Part I

V23N32-1986-Mandrake-The Trials of Valour Part I (Complete) Standard Resolution or Higher Resolution It's contributed by Ajay Mis...
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V20N47 - The Stalking Fury

V20N47-1983-Phantom- The Stalking Fury (All pages) Standard Resolution or Higher Resolution It's contributed by Ajay Misra....
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V25N17 - The Savage Outlaws

V25N17 - 1988 - Bahadur - The Savage Outlaws (NEW SCAN) Standard Resolution or Higher Resolution It's contributed by Ajay Misra....
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432 - The Magician's Challenge Part 2

432 - 1982 - Mandrake - The Magician's Challenge Part 2 (Complete) Standard Resolution or Higher Resolution It's contributed by Ajay Mis...
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431 - The Magician's Challenge Part I

431 - 1982  - Mandrake - The Magician's Challenge Part I (Complete) Standard Resolution or Higher Resolution It's contributed by Ajay Mis...
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V25N11 - The Fire of Vengeance

V25N11-1988-Bahadur-The Fire of Vengeance Mediafire Link All thanks & credits go to contributor Venkitachalam Subramanian....
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214 - The Magic Drum

This comic has all pages and scanned from Indrajal Comics. A remix 25 pages version is already online. 214-1974-Phantom-The Magic Drum (Original & complete) Mediafire Link or Rapidshare Link All thanks & credits go to contributor Venkitachalam Subramanian....
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V26N32 - The Deadly Intrigue

Mediafire Link: V26N32- The Deadly Intrigue   These are scans of our team member Venkitachalam Subramanian. This comic was first posted at TSCT. Keeping same date for visitors who already downloaded - to avoid confusion. Keep visiti...
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V25N03 - The Call of the Valley

V25N03-1988-Bahadur-The Call of the Valley Mediafire Link or Rapidshare Link All thanks & credits go to contributor Venkitachalam Subramanian....
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V25N31 - Claws of the Killer Part 2

V25N31-1988-Mandrake-Claws of the Killer Part 2 (Complete) Standard Resolution or Higher Resolution First part is available in this blog: HERE It's contributed by Ajay Mis...
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V23N37 - The Sparks of Betrayal Part 3

V23N37 - The Sparks of Betrayal Part 3 (Complete) Standard Resolution or Higher Resolution It's contributed by Ajay Misra....
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V23N36 - The Sparks of Betrayal Part 2

V23N36 - The Sparks of Betrayal Part 2 (Complete) Standard Resolution or Higher Resolution This one is scanned by "Ajay Misr...
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V23N35 - The Sparks of Betrayal Part 1

V23N35 - The Sparks of Betrayal Part 1 (Complete) Standard Resolution or Higher Resolution This one is scanned by "Ajay Misr...
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V23N22 - The Vortex of Crime

V23N22-1986-Bahadur-The Vortex of Crime Standard Resolution or Higher Resolution It's contributed by Ajay Mis...
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V26N06 - Sting of the Viper Part 2

V26N06-1989-Phantom-Sting of the Viper Part II (Complete) Standard Resolution or Higher Resolution It's contributed by Ajay Mis...
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V26N05 - Sting of the Viper Part I

V26N05-1989-Phantom-Sting of the Viper Part I (Complete) Standard Resolution or Higher Resolution It's contributed by Ajay Mis...
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V21N52 - The Frozen Death

Out of 803, only 11 Indrajal Comics contain 'Phil Corrigan' pictorial stories. Rests 10 are already online. It’s 11th Indrajal. Enjoy! V21N52-1984-Phil Corrigan-The Frozen Death Higher Resolution It's contributed by Ajay Mis...
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