# Vol 25 No 36: The Captive Sleuths

 It's originally posted at Mandrake The Magician  ******************************************UPDATE: The Phantom Comic Strips Blog (http://phantomcomicstrips.blogspot.com/) will no longer be updated....(Not an Apr 1 Joke) . Thanks to all who uploaded files and Mediafire for allowing bandwidth to download.Presenting another Indrajal scan from Ajay Mishra, the story is nice and it takes the duo of captive sleuths to capture the Loan Shark....
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2 English IJC: V26N08 - The Innocent Hostages & V26N12 - The Mistaken Identity

V26N08-1989-Bahadur-The Innocent Hostages V26N12-1989-Bahadur-The Mistaken Identity   These are contributed by Ajay Misra. All credits to him on...
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Additional pages of Comic #001

Although in this post ICC had shared additional pages only, I'm giving full comics link - i.e phantom story pages scanned by  ERB (posted earlier by ICC) & additional pages scanned by ICC.DownloadRead complete article at Indrajal Comics Club where it was 1st posted. The date & time is same as original post. Sharing here with kind permission of  ICC. Enjoy!-...
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7 English #V21N25, V21N26, V21N27, V24N25, V24N26, V24N27, V25N23 & 1 Hindi #V24N38 Indrajal Comics

Update (29th March): There were some mistakes in my earlier English IJC list. But as I said this post is dedicated to my friend. "Raghukula riti sada chali ayi, prana jayi par vachan na jayi." So, not available English IJC will remain 98. Going to add three following comics in this post. V24N25-1987-Phantom-Mysterious Lady of the Lake Part I V24N26-1987-Phantom-Mysterious Lady of the Lake Part II V24N27-1987-Phantom-Mysterious Lady of the Lake...
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#Vol 25 No 7: The Innocent Victims

 It's originally posted at Mandrake The Magician  ******************************************HAPPY UGADHI TO ALL (NEW YEAR OF HINDU CALENDAR) In Kannada I will say, Yelarigu Ugadhi habbada Subhashayagalu.We eat Jaggery and Neem together on this auspicious day to summarize that the year be filled more with good times than the bad. I am going to a party tonight to celebrate the new year of Virodhi Samvatsara the name for this year. Let's...
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