#V22N23: The Predator Star; Happy Earth Day To All Visitors

 It's originally posted at  Mandrake The Magician.

Wishing you all a very Happy Earth Day. I have some fantastic news to report. The blog's attempt to reach out to individuals having rare stories and panels of Mandrake has paid off I feel. I am very lucky to be able to get in touch with those elite few. Please join me in welcoming 2 new contributors Einar johnskås from Norway and John Weathers from US.

John has been kind enough to share the return of the mirror people story in English from his collection and will be made available here soon after Indrajal Comics are completed. Thanks a lot. Einar johnskås has been able to locate the first 2 weeks of Lothar the Champ story in English!!! Many thanks to him for his efforts and in sharing his treasure.

So, on Earth day this year, how are you celebrating? Recycling or walking somewhere instead of driving or trying to find ways to reduce your carbon footprint? I know how I am going to contribute, by not printing anything today and going to drive less today. I recycle as much as I can and encourage my kids to do the same.

Ohh I forgot, the blog visits has crossed 100,000!!!
Many Thanks to ALL readers and contributors that have made the blog a success. Keep visiting and let us have a goodtime reading a story.... Scans provided by Ajay Mishra, the pioneer contributor. Many Thanks for your time.


Found this nice document and thought why not include this on Earth Day post. Indeed some excellent photos by Astronaut Sunita Williams. Many thanks to the person who has shared this on Scribd.
Pictures of Earth Pictures of Earth Kosla Vepa Awesome

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