130 (1971) The Night of the Theft

This story was first printed as the Daily Strips #100 - Jungle Olympics (Rex and the Trophy Thieves)
Newspaper run: 22 Jan 1968 - 4 May 1968

The strory: An Olympic year in the jungle and as always  the mighty Phantom Trophy is attracting unwanted attention. This time from gangsters in league with ex-convict Oban, nephew of the Oogan king.

Not only priceless gems with the trophy are in the danger, but the Rex's life & the peace in the jungle are also on card.

Could the Phantom save these incidents? Obviously yes, however Barry's art and Falk's script made this story much interesting. This HR C2C version scanned and edited by Venkitachalam Subramanian, might make happier to HR scans lovers.


(2100 px width  C2C version)


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