146 (1971) The Cobra

It's D-133:  The Return of Evil - The Cobra (16 Jan 1967 ~ 3 Jun 1967) Script: Lee Falk Artist: Fred Fredericks Download 2000px width file - (59 MB) Mediafire   or Download 1600px width file - (26 MB) Mediafire Thanks to Raj for providing page 1 &2 in Hindi! It helped fixing old scans of the cover & finding out similar 2nd (ad) page.Rest all pages are scanned & edited by Venkitachalam Subramanian. Additional editing by...
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095 (1969) Night In Denkali

It's D43 - The Governor's Family (17 Sep 1951 - 1 Dec 1951)Writer: Lee Falk Artist: Wilson McCoyThe story: The wife and son of Bengali’s Governor are kidnapped to put the Governor under pressure to introduce and support a bill that would favour graft and organised crime. Informed by the jungle telegraph, the Phantom first has to find the kidnap victims and then guide them to safety past Sir Ali's vast army of unscrupulous gangsters... Download...
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143 (1971) The Missing Daddy

It's D108 - The Missing Daddy (The Runaway Girl) Original run in the papers: 19 Jan 1970 - 18 Apr 1970Script: Lee FalkArt: Sy Barry The story: Determined to reach the jungle’s edge to summon the Phantom, a girl escapes from hospital dressed only in a bikini and sandals. The latter is prepared, thanks to radio reports warning the public of an escaped patient suffering from bubonic plague. With the girl safely in the Deep Woods, the Phantom learns...
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169 (1972) Partners in Crime

It's D-148: Magic Man (13 Sep 1971 - 18 Dec 1971).  Script: Lee FalkArtist: Fred Fredericks Scanned by Anurag Dixit & edited by me. Download 2250px width file - (45.1 MB)  or Download 1600px width file - (18.24 MB) ...
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154 (1972) The Hijackers

It's S076 - The Hijackers ( 27 Apr 1969 - 3 Aug 1969) Script: Lee Falk Art: Sy Barry Summary: A number of daring plane hijackings are so puzzling the authorities that the Phantom, on a visit to Diana, asks Dave Palmer for an introduction to Planet Airways, who have had no less than six planes hijacked. It soon becomes clear that the planes are in the possession of Prince Charl of the Highlands, or 'The Cheap' as he is called due to his obsession...
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153 (1972) The Master Of Disguise

It's D-145: The Clay Camel (plus Women's Lib!) ( 7 Dec 1970 - 6 Mar 1971).Script: Lee FalkArtist: Fred Fredericks All thanks and credits go to Venkitachalam Subramanian who scanned, edited & uploaded this c2c HR version. Download 2000px width file  72.62 MB (Rapidshare Li...
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145 (1971) The Secret Mission

It's D109 - Luaga's Undercover Tour (20 Apr 1970    25 Jul 1970) by Falk- Barry.   The story: The Jungle Patrol’s secret Commander orders the Captain Smyhte and Lt. Baranda to accompany President Luaga on a tour of the border villages, where an undercover "Doc" Luaga is to pose as a tourist and collect data on real conditions. This sounds like potential trouble, and it is. The trio have to fight their way out of a number of...
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104 (1970) The Ghost Tribe

It's a reprinted version of Charlton Comics #35 (Dec 1969). Writter: Bill Harris    Artist:Bill Lignante This Indrajal contains two stories:1. The Ghost Tribe2. The Elephant Graveyard All credits go to Venkitachalam Subramanian who scanned & edited this C2C High Resolution Version. Special thanks to Anurag Dixit, his c2c Hindi version helped a lot finding out  missing pages 1,2,31 & 32 from earlier available scans....
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337 (1979) The Corba Diamond

Update: #151 English link is replaced. Now it has all pages. *************************************** It's D68 - The Crown Jewels of Corba  ( 23 Sep 1957 - 21 Dec 1957) by Falk& McCoy. Corba is a beautiful place famous for its royal diamond collection. Marston ,a diamond expert is eager to see them. He arrives in Corba with his daughter and rushes off to see the collection. After examining the diamonds he he declares them to be...
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131 (1971) The Deadly Trap

It contains two comics by Lee Falk: 1. A Pride of Lion: It's S #70 -The Lions of Kukhan (09-Apr-1967 to 06-Aug-1967)Artist:Barry Summary: The Highland have never been admirers of the Phantom’s, and this hatred of The Ghost Who Walks has intensified further with the introduction of new laws banning hunting, slave trading and punitive taxing of the jungle tribes. Something needs to be done, and prince Kukhan sees himself as the man to deliver. The...
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147 (1971) The Secret Of Misty Mountains

It's S077 - The Missing Link (10 Aug 1969 - 7 Dec 1969) Script: Lee Falk Art: Sy Barry The story: Colonel Worobu of the Jungle Patrol requests advice from his unknown Commander when the famous anthropologist Dr. Weeber and his daughter go missing in the Misty Mountains whilst on the verge of a "fantastic discovery". Taking over the case, the Phantom catches up with the lost pair, completely unaware that he soon will be standing face to face with...
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151 (1972) The Gladiator

It's  D107 - The Gladiator (6 Oct 1969 -17 Jan 1970) Script: Lee Falk Art: Sy Barry  The story: Exhausted after yet another vicious fight with bandits, the Phantoms falls asleep in a quiet glen, but is woken up by desperate pleas for help from a terrified woman. Her husband has just been killed by a barbaric monster with eyes “like burning coals” and skin “like stone”. Following a harrowing trail of death and destruction, a troubled...
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152 (1972) Joomba The Giant Elephant

 It's the Daily Strips # 99 - The Rogue Elephant  (2 Oct 1967 -  20 Jan 1968) Script: Lee Falk Art: Sy Barry The story: After a long stay & batttling against  organised crime in the States (check D096 The Satchel  (IJC-101); D097 The Crime School (IJC-134); and D098 Deadman's Point (IJC-141);  the Phantom returns the Deepwoods. But his homecoming is not a happy one: ruthless hunters are indiscriminately killing...
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150 (1972) The Goldman

It's Daily Strips #137- The Gold Crisis (13 May 1968 - 24 Aug 1968)Script: Lee FalkArtist: Fred Fredericks All thanks and credits go to Venkitachalam Subramanian who scanned & edited it. Download 2000px width file (Rapidshare Li...
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141 (1971) The Gangsters' Graveyard

It's daily strips #98 - Deadman's Point (26 Jun 1967 - 30 Sep 1967) Script: Lee Falk Art: Sy Barry Summary: The Phantom gets very unusual call for help from the entertainer Connie Lou, whose family carry the Phantom’s good mark. Connie’s boyfriend Stacy has disappeared during a dive to treasure-hunt an over 300 year old shipwreck near Deadman's Point. Arriving just in time to save Connie from the same fate as Stacy, the Phantom does not waste any...
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144 (1971): The Mysterious Eight

This Indrajal contains daily strips #132 - The Trail of 8 (19 Sep 1966 - 14 Jan 1967). It's story about 2nd encounter of Mandrake with "8". Script: Lee FalkArtist: Fred Fredericks All thanks and credits go to Venkitachalam Subramanian who scanned this cover to cover version in high resolution. This time I'm posting after additional cleaning. Download 2000 px width file (53.76 MB) or Download 1600 px width file (25.53 ...
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