इंद्रजाल कॉमिक्स 261- दस दिन

261 "दस दिन" ...
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168-IJC-Kahan Hai Daina (Phantom)

168 "कहाँ है डायना" ...
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Indrajal Hindi-360 Vetal-Baiswa Vetal Part II (Oct.15,1980)

32 Pages | Hindi| CBR | 55 MB Download...
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28 - Mayavi ka Aatank (Vetal) (Feb 1966)

Enjoy, one more rare IJC #28  in very nice quality! Language: Hindi Indrajal Title:  मायावी का आतंक  Pages: 28 (c2c) Size: 50 MB  Cover: Govind Brahmania Publisher : The Times of India Publish Date: Feb 1966  *********** It's partial Indian reprinted version of Gold Key #12. Original story title: The Beast of Bengali Publish Date: June 1965 Writer and  Artist: Bill Lignante All...
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351 - मौत के चेहेरे भाग 3 (1983)

विद्या भाई के सौजन्य से आज इस कॉमिक्स को फिर से अच्छे  resolution  हम पढ़  सकते हैं| Language: हिंदी  Number: 351  Indrajal Title: मौत के चेहेरे भाग 3 Page: 32  (c2c)Cover: शेहाब  Publisher : The Times of India Publishing Date: 1जून 1980 यह तीसरा और अंतिम भाग है दो कहानियों का: 1. मौत के चेहेरे भाग Strip:  D138 - Return to Tarakimo (17 Apr 1978 - 16 Sep 1978) Hero: वेताल Script:...
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308 - Barphani Duniya (Flash Gordon) (1978)

दोस्तों, यह कॉमिक्स एक महीने से ऊपर से तैयार, बस  पोस्ट किये जाने का इंतज़ार कर रहा था। अभी तक राजेश जी व्यस्त हैं, इसलिए उनसे विचार-विमर्श कर पोस्ट कर रहा हूँ। Language: हिंदी  Number: 308 Indrajal Title: बर्फानी दुनिया Page: 32  (c2c)Cover: बी.गोविन्द Publisher : The Times of India Publishing Date: 15अगस्त 1978 Hero: फ़्लैश गॉर्डन Strip:  D2-104:"North Star Invaders” (11/1/76...
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315-Tarakimo Ka Krur Shashak (Vetal) (1978) and V22N29-Adrishya Apradhi (Mandrake) (1985)

Friends,Wished to share these long ago.These 2 you can read thanks to an amazing person. The contributor is the person who send me our missing 351, and  his V22N39 first. When I dropped him back Hindi Indrajal Missing list (so far not confirmed for scanning) -  next day received 315. Most interesting part: Didn't opening own identity - said:  नाम में क्या रखा है। वैसे भी मेरा हमनाम ब्लॉगर/ अपलोडर पहले से मौजूद है ; श्री ******...
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English Indrajal #241 to #250 - Best versions so far (till Jan 2018)

Re-posting English Indrajal #241 to #250 #HeroTitleDated 241MandrakeThe College of Magic1975-11-1 242BahubaliBahubali1975-11-15 243The PhantomThe Clutches of Destiny1975-12-1 244The PhantomSkull Cave Attacked1975-12-15 245The PhantomThe Phantom And The Beast1976-1-1 246MandrakeThe Incredible Thief1976-1-15 247MiscellaneousSultana: The Indian Robin Hood1976-2-1 248The PhantomA Strange World1976-2-15 249Flash GordonMany Centuries Ahead1976-3-1 250The...
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English Indrajal #231 to #240 - Best versions so far (till Jan 2018)

Re-posting English Indrajal #231 to #240: #HeroTitleDated 231The PhantomStranger In Desert1975-6-1 232Flash GordonRescue Mission Mercury1975-6-15 233The PhantomThe Golden Woods1975-7-1 234The PhantomThe Two Headed Bull1975-7-15 235Flash GordonMany Faces of Death1975-8-1 236MandrakeThe Towering Colossus1975-8-15 237The PhantomAn Oath of Vengeance1975-9-1 238The PhantomThe Jewel Deal1975-9-15 239Flash GordonThe Solar Power Station1975-10-1 240The...
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