May the universe bless you in surprising and joyful ways.
Happy New Year!
Language: Hindi
Hero : वेताल
Happy New Year!
All together, we are confidently moving towards 803 goal in Hindi also.
Very thankful to all friends who are helping, especially since Oct 2017!
Numbers: 385 और 386
Indrajal Title: खुनी जरनल भाग १ और २
Pages both comics: 32 ( c2c)
Cover: शेहाब
Publisher : The Times of India
Publishing Date: 1 और 8 नवम्बर 1981
Hero : वेताल
Original story title: D142 - The Return of General Bababu
1st print in the papers: 10 Sep 1979 - 16 Feb 1980
Script: Lee Falk
Art: Sy Barry
Scanned by: Nagesh Misra
Edited by: PBC