Enjoy English Indrajal #371 to #380 in high resolution!
Front Cover and 1st story page may help you checking the version:

Thanks a lot Venkit for all 803 IJC files.
Comparing with other files available with me, sharing best files from #1 since Oct 2017.
Scanned and edited by:
371,372,373,378 - Venkitachalam Subramanian.
377 - AM-PBC
379 - Anon contribution
374,375,376,380 - not sure, so credits to original uploader(s)
Read offline Eng Indrajal 371 to 380
Very thankful to all friends who help with alternative links last days (331-370).
Thanks to DhePresence and Vidya bhai, required numbers of Yandex a/c for uploading upto last Eng IJC are now available. Hope, no more problem we shall face again.
Stay tuned, many are coming......