V25N32 (1988) The Maze of Deceit

Here comes one better C2C version. It's reprinted version of # 153 (1972) The Master of Disguise. Scanned by Ajay Misra & edited by me. .            Have a good weekend!...
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024 The Human beast

Hello Friends, this is my first post. This issue was published on February 1966. Hope you enjoy. Thank you everybody.  &nb...
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मेरा पहला इंद्रजाल कॉमिक इस ब्लॉग पर इससे पहले आप सभी इस अनूठी कॉमिक को डाउनलोड करेंगे, दो खुशखबरी: डेविल, जिन्होंने पहली** बार पूरी इंद्रजाल कॉमिक्स बंगाली भाषा में खुद ही स्कैन करके खुद ही ऑनलाइन प्रस्तुत किया था, के  घर- आंगन  में प्रथम संतान के रूप में १५ अप्रैल २०१० को एक स्वस्थ पुत्र-रत्न आया है। हम सभी इस ब्लॉग के सदस्यों  और पाठकों की तरफ से हाद्रिक बधाइयाँ । छोटे डेविल तुम जियो हजारों साल और साल के दिन हों पचास हज़ार।...
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The first Dara Comics: V25N43-1988-The Enemy Agent

Hello friends, Today sharing the very first Indrajal Comics of Dara as my very  first post at this unite blog.           Scanned by Ajay Misra Edited by myself. Hoping you will like ...
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Indrajal #10 Hindi and English- The Phantom's Ring

This post is dedicated to TCP who, 5 years ago on 17th April 2005 posted very first time an Indrajal Comic on the blogoshpere. TCP runs The Comic Project with 5 years of wonderful spans. Indrajal #10, "The Phantom's Ring" , in Hindi and English. Hindi scans provided by Ajay Mishra & cleaned by PBC. English scans provided by Mr. Walker, with additional cleanup by PBC and myself. Read online English version at my blog falkonthewildside.blogspot.com...
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Indrajal Online goes online today ....

Almost 9 months have passed since last missing English Indrajal came online, However we are still receiving mails to provide links. Well, here comes a universal blog for Indrajal Comics. We 18 persons are starting a blog with our own posts/scans which every can say proudly, “It’s our blog” – no matter whether he posted/scanned one or hundreds. In the world cup, we are participating with not only 18 players (the Authors), but 18 of the supporting...
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