सभी इंद्रजाल प्रेमियों को IUnknown का नमस्कार| आज आपके लिए हम लाए हैं, इंद्रजाल कॉमिक्स संख्या ३४९ , ३५० और ३५१ - मौत के चेहरे - तीनों भाग|
इनमे दो कहानियां है|
पहली कहानी में आपको पढने को मिलेगी वेताल की जनरल तारा से हुई मुठभेड़ की कथा, जो मेरी पसंदीदा कहानियों में से एक है|
दूसरी कहानी है, मैन्ड्रेक की एक विशेष खलनायक कापालिक से हुई मुलाकात | मेरी आशा थी कि कापालिक से फिर मुलाकात होगी, पर आज तक मैंने और कहीं ...
इंद्रजाल कॉमिक्स संख्या ३४९ से ३५१ - मौत के चेहरे.
Friday, July 30, 2010 |
Author: IUnknown
Filed Under: *349, *350, *351, Hindi, Mandrake, Multi Comics Post, Phantom, Posted by IUnknown

Filed Under: *349, *350, *351, Hindi, Mandrake, Multi Comics Post, Phantom, Posted by IUnknown
97 (1969) The Tiger Girl
Thursday, July 29, 2010 |
Author: PBC
Filed Under: #097, English, Phantom, Posted by PBC

Filed Under: #097, English, Phantom, Posted by PBC

From this number starting posting without any modification mostly scans (not all) by Venkitachalam Subramanian .
1. His scans are coming in good quality as well as good quantity.
2. Can share quickly with a regular flow, let say with frequency of 1-3 days.
3. Many friends like vintage look. However slowly I'll clean for myself, can share with interested persons later through blog or privately. If...
412,413,414 (1982) - The Missing Prince Part I, 2 & 3
Tuesday, July 27, 2010 |
Author: PBC
Filed Under: #412, #413, #414, Buz Sawyer, English, Multi Comics Post, Phantom, Posted by PBC

Filed Under: #412, #413, #414, Buz Sawyer, English, Multi Comics Post, Phantom, Posted by PBC

These comics contain following comics:
1. The Phantom's Daily Strips #145 - Gooroo's Jungle Muggers (03-Nov-80 to 04-Apr-81)Script: Lee Falk Artist: Barry 2. Buz Sawyer's "The Secret Silver Mine.
Scanned and edited by Venkit....
159 (1972) Nareshon Ki Rahasyamay Gufa (Hindi)
Monday, July 26, 2010 |
Author: PBC
Filed Under: *159, Hindi, Phantom, Posted by PBC

Filed Under: *159, Hindi, Phantom, Posted by PBC

This C2C Indrajal contains comics from Charlton #45 (Aug 1971).
Script: Joe GillArtist: Pat Boyette
Hoping you'll like this comics.
Scanned by Anurag from own comics & edited by me.
All credits go to Anurag Dix...
405 & 406 - (1982) - The Legend Of Valour Part 1 & 2
Thursday, July 22, 2010 |
Author: PBC
Filed Under: #405, #406, English, Flash Gordon, Multi Comics Post, Phantom, Posted by PBC

Filed Under: #405, #406, English, Flash Gordon, Multi Comics Post, Phantom, Posted by PBC

It's is Indrajal version of Sunday strips #111- The Vault of Missing Men
Original run in papers: 16-Dec-79 to 01-Jun-80
Script: Lee Falk
Artist: Barry
IJC Cover: Shehab
Both parts contain Flash Gordon story also: The Floating Space City
The link was gone, I couldn't find 30 MB version in hard disks.
Please download Part 1 (70 Mb) version HERE
Please download Part 2 (73 Mb) version HERE
18 (1965) The Golden Princess
Tuesday, July 20, 2010 |
Author: PBC
Filed Under: #018, English, Phantom, Posted by PBC

Filed Under: #018, English, Phantom, Posted by PBC

The story printed in this vintage Indrajal Comics was first appeared as Sunday Strips #12 - The Golden Princess (14 Jan 1945 - 24 Jun 1945)
Script: Lee Falk
Art: Wilson McCoy
Enhanced Version Vintage Look HR Version is available Here
This cover to cover comic is scanned by ICC & edited by me. Hoping you will like this version.
All thanks & credits go to ICC.
P.S. Who got #18 Hindi from any blog last days are...
इंद्रजाल कॉमिक्स खंड २३ अंक १० - प्रोफेसरीणबाईंचे अपहरण
Saturday, July 17, 2010 |
Author: IUnknown
Filed Under: Mandrake, Marathi, Posted by IUnknown, V23N10

Filed Under: Mandrake, Marathi, Posted by IUnknown, V23N10

माझ्या सर्व मराठी मित्रांना IUnknown चा सप्रेम नमस्कार. मराठी इंद्रजालचा पहिला अंक ह्या ब्लॉगवर प्रकाशित होउन आज पुष्कळ दिवस झाले. मराठी इंद्रजालचा प्रकाशनात यापुढे खंड पडू नये म्हणून मी प्रयत्न करेन. असो आज तुमच्यासाठी मी जादूगार Mandrake चा त्याचा महाशत्रू ८ बरोबर झालेला मुकाबला सदर करत आहे. ही माझी ह्या मालिकेतील अत्यंत आवडती कथा आहे. आशा आहे तुम्हाला ती पसंत पडेल.
ह्या कॉमिक्सचे स्कॅन्निंग मी केले आहे आणि स्वछ करण्याचे काम प्रभातने...
127 (1971) Cape Cod Caper
Thursday, July 15, 2010 |
Author: PBC
Filed Under: #127, English, Mandrake, Posted by PBC

Filed Under: #127, English, Mandrake, Posted by PBC

This Indrajal contains two comics: Cape Cod Caper & The Fear Mongers, which were first printed in KING Comics #5 MANDRAKE the MAGICIAN.
It's scanned & edited by Venkitachalam Subramanian, and "MAKE UP" by me. All thanks & credits go to Venki...
IJC 325 The Swamp Dragon
Friday, July 09, 2010 |
Author: IUnknown
Filed Under: #325, English, Phantom, Posted by IUnknown

Filed Under: #325, English, Phantom, Posted by IUnknown

Hi All,
After long time I am posting an Indrajal Comic. This is story of how Phantom met Steggy the Stegosaurus. Stegosaurus is a herbivorous dinosaur with an armour plating like steel, which is said to be bulletproof.See wikipedia article http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stegosaurus
Prabhat has done an excellent job of cleaning and he did it in 2 to 3 hrs.
Hoping you'll like this comics.
All credits go to:
Scanned By: IUnknown
Edited By :...
113 (1970) The Grand Prize
Thursday, July 08, 2010 |
Author: PBC
Filed Under: #113, English, Phantom, Posted by PBC

Filed Under: #113, English, Phantom, Posted by PBC

Originally run in newspapers as Daily Strips #78 - The Gurk Twins (08 Aug 1960 ~ 29 Oct 1960)
Script: Lee Falk
Art: Wilson McCoy
Summary: Olympics champion Diana is invited to watch the preparations for the Jungle Olympics.
Meanwhile, two disturbers on probation are ordered by Colonel Weeks to act as jungle guides for a butterfly collector. But the troublemakers' new-found discipline is tested to the limits when they stumble upon the unguarded...
118 (1970) -The Masked Ball
Wednesday, July 07, 2010 |
Author: PBC
Filed Under: #118, English, Phantom, Posted by PBC

Filed Under: #118, English, Phantom, Posted by PBC
It contains 3 stories:
1. D104-The Masked Ball (10th Feb 1969 to 22nd Mar 1969)
Writer: Lee Falk
Artist: Barry
And followings from Charlton #39 (Aug 1970)
Writer: Joe Gill
Artist: Pat Boyette
2. A Small War
3. Canyon of Death
It's an edited version of Indrajal scanned by E.R. Bhoopathi. Page #2 is scanned by Venkitachalam Subramanian. All credits go to both friends.
P.S. Persons who remix & claim as...
Hindi IJC #: 116, 118, 176, 179 and Eng #: 51, 411, V21N31, V26N29

Here are some comics. These are scanned from physical copies provided by Abhishek Asthana - an IJC fan who sent physical copies at own arrangement. All credits go to him.
**************************************************************************051-1967-Phantom-The River Pirates
Script/illustration: Bill Lignante
The River Pirates comic was first printed in Gold Key #15 (Dec 1965).
Download GK version: Here
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