Today Birthady of my wife!
Happy Birthday, Sweat Heart!
Happy Birthday, Sweat Heart!
- Reading this comics, I wished to have twins. After 20 years, in the same month, on 3rd Oct my Kit and Heloise were born.
- My wife is also Gold Medalist (in studies).
- The person who scanned this comics, a new contributor - Nagesh Misra, in very short span send exactly 22 Hindi Raw scans.
- This one is lowest number provided by him.
- This one is lowest number provided by him.
So, today enjoy IJC #359.
Language: हिंदी
Indrajal Title: 22वां वेताल भाग 1
Number: 359
Pages: 32
Cover: Shehab
Publisher : The Times of India
Publish Date: 1
Writer: ली
फाकArtist: साय बेरी
Scaned by Nahesh Misra
Edited by PBC
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