Indrajal Title: बीहड़ के डाकू
Pages: 32 ( c2c)
Cover: Govind Brahmania
Publisher : The Times of India
Publish Date: 15 दिसंबर 1980
Writer: जगजीत उप्पलArtist: गोविन्द बी.
Read Offline
Edited by: PBC
Scanned by: Nagesh Misra
Thanks Nagesh making my task easier!
Hold on, editing 20 more his scans... :)

And pls collect V24N24-1987-Vetal-Hatyaron Ka Khel from vol post as it's from 2013, Rajan Malvankarand found it at net and send me.
That's why added with old scans collections.
Actually in that post V24N44 was named as V24N24 and uploaded twice.
Thanks Rajan Malvankarand and unknown uploader!
Also added Hindi and English Indrajal Comics Lists for online use:
Hindi 1 -443
Hindi Vol 20-27
Eng 1-443
Eng Vol 20-27
Working on more details...time to time I'll improve these.