IJC #1 to 12 Indrajal Comics (Print ready version)

Not my scan. Enhanced it to reprint a digital copy for my collection. Sharing the cleaner version.


Update (18 Aug 2018): Adding 1 to 11 - printable version by K. Vijay in his post here, instead of posting separately. Lot of hard work had done by him making such version and these files are uploaded by him.

001  (Printable quality)

002  (Printable quality)

003  (Printable quality)

004  (Printable quality)

005  (Printable quality)

006  (Printable quality)

007  (Printable quality)

008  (Printable quality)

009  (Printable quality)

010  (Printable quality)

011  (Printable quality)

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