Indrajal Comics [Hindi]- Issue 354 Juarion Ka Jaal [Flash Gordon]

Hi again,

I hope everyone is fine and happy.

This is a special post. Few days ago when I posted issue no. 33 in Hindi we received a comment from Mr. Subhas Kumar who lives in Delhi offering his help in scanning two Hindi Indrajal comics which are no. 354 and 424 respectively. Impressed by his enthusiasm I contacted him and shared my Email ID with him so that he can send his scan copy. Today I received both of the comics from here, so decided to share the 1st one today itself.

Although Issue 354 Juarion ka Jaal was already scanned and shared here earlier (Link will be updated soon), but his interest to share Indrajal Comics had compelled me to create this post.

Here I am sharing the Raw file as scanned by Mr. Subhash Kumar, as many Comics lovers like me like the unedited raw files of the older comics,might be because of nostalgia we feel reading those ones. The pages have also been cropped by him only.  So all thanks to Subhash Ji for a great scan and I also hope in future some more Indrajal comics lovers like him will come ahead and help us in preserving these gems of Indian comics industry.

Title- IJC[Hindi] 354- Juarion ka Jaal [Flash Gordon]
Hard copy- Subhash Kumar
Scan- Subhash Kumar

Click here to Read this comics Offline

Oh and by the way his next scan issue no. 424 will be also shared very soon. 

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