Enjoy English Indrajal V25 #21 to #30 in BEST Versions!
Number | Hero | Title | Dated | * |
v25 | 21 | Mandrake | The Cunning Conjurer | 1988-5-22 to 1988-5-28 | |
v25 | 22 | The Phantom | The Consipiring Witchmen | 1988-5-29 to 1988-6-4 | r |
v25 | 23 | The Phantom | The Victims of Tyranny | 1988-6-05 to 1988-6-11 | r |
v25 | 24 | The Phantom | The Cave of Evil | 1988-6-12 to 1988-6-18 | r |
v25 | 25 | Rip Kirby | The Dangerous Adversary | 1988-6-19 to 1988-6-25 | |
v25 | 26 | Bahadur | The Calunge Beach | 1988-6-26 to 1988-7-2 | |
v25 | 27 | The Phantom | The Snake Goddess Part | 1988-7-03 to 1988-7-9 | |
v25 | 28 | The Phantom | The Snake Goddess Part II | 1988-7-10 to 1988-7-16 | |
v25 | 29 | Garth | The Killer Androids | 1988-7-17 to 1988-7-23 | |
v25 | 30 | Mandrake | Claws of The Killer Part I | 1988-7-24 to 1988-7-30 | |
Front Cover and 1st story page may help you checking the version:
Read offline Eng Indrajal V25 (21 to 30)
p.s. Thanks a lot Venkit for re-providing all 803 IJC files.Comparing with other files available with me, uploading best files from #1.
Scanned and edited by:
V25N: 21,27,28,30 - Venkitachalam Subramanian.
V25N: 22 to 26 - AM-PBC
V25N: 29 - Ajnaabi