Enjoy English Indrajal V25 #41 to #52 in BEST Versions!
Front Cover and 1st story page may help you checking the version:
Read offline Eng Indrajal V25 (41 to 52)
p.s. Thanks a lot Venkit for re-providing all 803 IJC files.Comparing with other files available with me, uploading best files from #1.
Read offline Eng Indrajal V25 (41 to 52)
Scanned and edited by:
V25N: 41,50,51, 52 - Venkitachalam Subramanian.
V25N: 42 - Ajnaabi
V25N: 43 - can't recognize, so credits to original uploader.
V25N: rest 6 - AM-PBC
V25N: 43 - can't recognize, so credits to original uploader.
V25N: rest 6 - AM-PBC