English Indrajal #291 to #300 - Best versions so far (till March 2018)

A very Very Happy Holi to all friends and all Team members!

Today, you can enjoy English Indrajal #291 to #300 in high resolution.
291The PhantomTremors of Fear1977-12-1
292BahadurThe Challenge of The Witch1977-12-15
293The PhantomThe Taste of Poison1978-1-1
294MandrakeSatan’s Man1978-1-15
295The PhantomThe Crucial Moment1978-2-1
296BahadurThe Bandit Chief1978-2-15
297The PhantomThe Spy Web1978-3-1
298MandrakeThe Master Criminal1978-3-15
299The PhantomThe Enchanting Island1978-4-1
300BahadurThe Fire Birds1978-4-15

Front Cover and 1st story page may help you checking the version:

Read offline Eng Indrajal 291 to 300

291, 294 and 297 are NEW scans by PBC

300 - Venkit's scan - new edit by PBC
Rest 6 were scanned and edited by Venkitachalam Subramanian in 2011;
however 5 out of 7 BY Venkit were not shared before.
So, this post contains 8 unseen scans.  
Thanks, Venkit for re-providing files.

p.s. An enhanced version of #295, I had shared long ago:
My 1250 days of IJC blogging (Oct 15, 2011)
All who like, can collect. 

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