Here is 700th Hindi Indrajal number of this blog. Hurrah!
Enjoy one more missing number!

Language: हिंदी
Art: बी.गोविन्द
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Heartiest Congratulation to all team members and all fans, thanks to their efforts we could share 700 Hindi here.
Every selflessly shared single Indrajal is priceless for me.
Checking all available files again, at the end of journey let you know some very interesting data.

Language: हिंदी
Number: खंड 20 भाग 45
Indrajal Title: जंगली दस्ता
Page: 32 (c2c)
Cover: बी.गोविन्द
Cover: बी.गोविन्द
Publisher : The Times of India
Publishing Date: 6-11-1983 से 12-11-1983
Hero: बहादुर
Script: जगजीत उप्पल
Scanned and edited by: PBC